esteem yourself at all highly nor account yourself to be specially beloved, when you are in a state of great devotion and sweetness. For it is not by these things that a true lover of virtue is known, nor in these things consists the progress and perfection of a man.
In what then, Lord?
In giving yourself over with all your heart to the divine will, not seeking your own things, either great or small, either in time or in eternity. So will you keep an even countenance, in thanksgiving, amid prosperity and adversity, weighing all things with an equal balance. Be so brave, and so long suffering in hope, that when inward comfort is withdrawn , you may prepare your heart to suffer even greater things. Do not justify yourself, as though you ought not to suffer these afflictions or any so great, but justify Me in whatever I appoint, and praise My holy name. Then you are walking in the true and right way of peace, and will see My face again with great delight. For if you attain to the full contempt of yourself, know that you will then enjoy abundance of peace, as great as you are able to possess. •